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Articles tagged with: uninsured motorist

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Being A Good Driver Can Save You 10% On Insurance Premiums

Lately, insurance companies have been giving out 10% discount on motor vehicle insurance through a new program called “My?Driving Discount”. The only thing the insurance company requires you to do ONE simply task - install a “device” in your vehicle and keep it there. It’s [...]

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No Compensation for Illegal Immigrant Struck by Uninsured Drivers

The government of Ontario created the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund to provide a base minimum of insurance coverage for Ontario residents, or residents of reciprocal provinces, who are involved in a?motor vehicle accident?where the driver and/or owner of the defendant car cannot be identified. The [...]

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Why Hire LMS Lawyers Personal Injury Lawyers

LMS Lawyers LLP offers personalized service to help you through one of the most challenging periods of your life. When you hire LMS Lawyers, we are your advocates, and we make working with insurance companies easier. When you hire us, we will deal with the insurance company for you, so you can focus [...]

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Driverless Cars: A New Future in Personal Injury Litigation?

How many times have I sat in rush hour traffic dreaming about the ability to flick the switch to autopilot while I hop in the back seat for a nap on the ride home! While this may seem a bit far-flung, at this very moment, the reality is automated vehicles, or driverless cars, are NOT too far in the offing. [...]

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Television vs. Reality

Since law school I’ve heard dozens, if not hundreds, of clients and self-represented people on the other side of the table, say things like “I watch People’s Court, I know my rights”. Sure. And I watch Grey’s Anatomy so I can perform surgery! While there is certain basic [...]

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Boating Safety

After a long cold winter, it is understandable why so many Ontarians enjoy being out on the water in the summer. One of the best ways to spend a hot summer day is out on a boat, which is why one in five Canadian households owns a recreational boat! Whether you enjoy yachting, sailing, canoeing, ski-do’ing, [...]

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What To Do If You Are In An Accident - Part Two

After the initial shock of the accident has worn off, there are several things you need to do, some of which will be on an ongoing basis until your case is resolved. ? MEDICAL ADVICE – Assure you have followed the treatment plan your doctor has set out and follow up on all appointments with [...]

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What To Do If You Are In An Accident - Part One

No one ever expects to be involved in a car accident. If you are involved in an?Ottawa motor vehicle accident- even if you are at fault – you should immediately take the following steps outlined by the Ontario government: STOP – you must remain at the scene of the accident. If you fail [...]

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Welcome to Our Blog!

The?Personal Injury Lawyers Ottawa?at LMS Lawyers are thrilled to announce the launch of our new personal injury dedicated website. The website is full of useful information about the firm, our lawyers, and our?various practice areas. We hope to have a continual and ongoing dialogue with you through [...]

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