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Threshold Issues in Motor Vehicle Accidents in Ontario

In 1990 the government of Ontario passed legislation with the goal of limiting personal injury claims going before the courts to the cases involving the most serious of injuries. For an injured individual to receive compensation for his or her injuries he or she must overcome two obstacles: the threshold [...]

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Being A Good Driver Can Save You 10% On Insurance Premiums

Lately, insurance companies have been giving out 10% discount on motor vehicle insurance through a new program called “My?Driving Discount”. The only thing the insurance company requires you to do ONE simply task - install a “device” in your vehicle and keep it there. It’s [...]

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5 Ways To Maximise Claim Of Your Slip And Fall Injury

Slip and fall cases get filed when you get yourself injured on another person’s property because of a slippery surface. A majority of slip and fall cases involve some pretty serious injuries. When it comes to the treatment of injuries sustained in slip and fall cases, the costs can reach thousands [...]

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6 Things You Should Do After Your Car Accident

A countless number of accidents occur every year around the world. While most of them only involve damage to the property, there are quite a few cases where an individual sustains a personal injury. Getting seriously injured is just one aspect of the whole personal injury scenario. The mental trauma, [...]

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Ways In Which Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You

After getting injured in an accident, getting suitably compensated for your personal injury can turn out to be a very complex process. It is important that you think out before making a decision and have a complete knowledge of your legal rights. This is where Ottawa personal injury lawyers can help [...]

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Things to Remember before you seek a Personal Injury Lawyer

Being a resident of Ottawa, you might often hear of accidents and the serious injuries that come with it. You may not be able to avoid an accident, but you may be prepared to cope up with it. Besides the physical and mental recovery, you need to recover your financial losses as well. To help you with [...]

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Contingency Fees

Unless you’ve been living in a bomb shelter over the past few years, you’ve seen commercials on television (or heard them on the radio) where they say, with vim and vigor, “You don’t pay unless we win.” Like they’re the only ones in the Province of Ontario who do that. [...]

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Retaining Local Counsel

A couple of weeks ago I met a new client. She had been involved in a motor vehicle accident three years ago and suffered some significant personal injuries. She knew she would need a lawyer to help her get the compensation she would need to survive for the rest of her life. One day while contemplating [...]

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Impact on Personal Injury Cases

One of the largest frustrations any personal injury client feels is the length of time it takes to have their matters resolved. Of course, there are lots of factors that can affect the time it takes for a matter to reach a conclusion. Some of those factors include the number of plaintiffs and/or defendants [...]

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The Importance of Following Medical Advise in Personal Injury Case

I often wax poetic about damages in civil litigation actions. After all, getting damages is generally why we are involved in litigation in the first place. The idea behind damages is to provide compensation for actual losses. So, as a client, what does that mean for you? Well, if you are looking for [...]

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